Found this holiday-themed tag from Zezee With Books. I love doing Halloween tags especially, with all of the spooky (and sweet!) themed questions. Enjoy!
Favorite Scary Must-Read for Halloween

This is a classic. I couldn't decide between this or Pet Semetary, but I believe The Shining was the most foundational book for me growing up as a fan of horror and Stephen King.
Scariest Book Cover, Like Ever...

This cover does its job. It really unsettles me.
If You Could Pick Any Author to Go Trick or Treating With, Who Would You Pick?

I would love to go with Holly Black. Her books have both a dark and playful edge to them, while simultaneous being beautiful, which is what I think Halloween is all about!
If You Could Dress Up as Any Bookish Character for Halloween, Who Would You Be?

I'd go as The Phantom of the Opera version of The Red Death (from Edgar Allan Poe's short story).
If You Could Find Anything from Any Book in Your Trick or Treat Stash, What Would You Hope to Find?

Costumes from The Folk of the Air series. The clothing is so lovingly described in those books!
What Book Villain Would You Not Like to Meet Alone in a Dark Alley on Halloween?

The boy on this cover is bad news.
Would You Rather Dress Up as a Vampire, Zombie, Werewolf, or a Shadowhunter?

I don't really read Cassandra Clare so I'll have to pass on the Shadowhunter thing. I'd rather be a vampire, and I think it would be really cool to dress up as Lestat from Interview with the Vampire.
What is Your Favorite Halloween Candy?

I like regular Reese's but my late uncle turned me on to the Big Cups. They are the perfect balance between peanut butter and chocolate. I prefer these to regular Reese's!