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  • Writer's pictureKristina Elyse Butke

Just Some Bibliophilic Things

White box on blue background with feather design - just some bibliophilic things hosted by whispering stories
Image by Whispering Stories

This is an original tag created by the blog Whispering Stories. I've sourced many tags from there before, as they are a great resource for all sorts of fun bookish activities. This month is going to be my busiest month I think, so I'll be relying on tags for the rest of August until I have a balanced schedule worked out. Enjoy!



  • Link to original creator of the tag here: Riddhi @Whispering Stories, so that I get a pingback every time someone does the tag.

  • Use the header image I used in doing the tag, display the rules in your post and use the tag JSBT in your post.

  • Answer the bookish questions given below and add an original bonus bookish question

  • Add a random fact to the post

  • Tag 5 or more book blogger friends of yours [I'm going to pass on this because I don't really know any bloggers]

  • Have Fun!!


  1. How many books do you think should there be in one series? Which book series is your favorite in that particular format? I'm partial to three books max per series, although I have completely obliterated this personal rule of mine with Heaven Official's Blessing, which I believe has eight volumes (although I am still supposed to start volume five next). But three usually works best for me as the max. It's really hard for me to remember what happens in between books.

  2. Which book format do you prefer: Paperbacks, eBooks or audiobooks? I prefer eBooks. However, what sucks is that you are only buying a license to the book, and the books can be removed at any time, so what I do is if I've read an eBook and it's a keeper, I'll buy the hard copy to keep on my shelves.

  3. Organized bookshelves or outrageous bookshelves? If outrageous, then do you feel like organizing them but are too lazy to do so? I'm not sure what is meant by an outrageous bookshelf--do you mean random and chaotic? Mine is mostly like that. I've tried to group things together roughly by theme but I keep acquiring new books that would require me to reorganize the shelves each time. For example, I've got at least three different BL sections on my shelves when ideally I'd want to group them all together. Everything is all spread out based on when I buy things.

  4. Which Rick Riordan series do you like the most? The original Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus or Magnus Chase?? (If you haven’t read the series just say so) I've never read Rick Riordan...his books came out when I was in college, so I never really was drawn to them because they seemed like middle-grade books. But I'm sure I'd probably like Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

  5. Which bookish fictional land you would want to travel to?? Why?? I'd want to travel to Elfhame, which is a dangerous place but filled with extremely beautiful things. I wouldn't mind going to a ball, even though I don't like dancing. I'd go just to wear a gorgeous gown.

  6. One book related memory that you love. I remember in fifth grade we had rare and special reading days where we could get away from our desks, get on pillows and blankets on the floor, and read all day. Those were my favorite days at school.

  7. Which genre do you not read? Why? Would you like to read any book from that genre?? I don't really read westerns because they've never held my interest, although the occasional movie is ok. I won't read alternate histories where the South won the Civil War. I think that's gross.

  8. Which genre is your absolute favorite? What draws you to it? If demanded, would you be able to stick to it for the rest of your life? In terms of fiction, YA fantasy, although I admit I've been having a hard time getting into them these past few months. Not sure why. But my overall favorite thing to read is BL comics (manga, manhwa, webtoons) because I love beautiful men, the romances vary from sweet to dangerous, and they hold my interest easily.

  9. Who is your favorite author? Why? Which book is an absolute favorite of yours written by that particular author? I have a handful of favorite authors but I would say Margaret Rogerson is my favorite author right now. I loved her novel Sorcery of Thorns. I wish I could write like that.

  10. Which fictional character (s) would you like to date? Why? I read a lot of YA and that would be really creepy and wrong to date any of the characters in those books due to the enormous age gap between us. But I'm curious about Arthur Starling from Starling House. He's not described as handsome really, and has kind of a weird personality, but he's also heroic in his own way. I wouldn't want to date him, but I wouldn't mind going out on a date.

My Bonus Question: What are your view on Read-a-thons? Have you ever participated in one? If yes, then which one? And if no, then do you wish to?

I don't really mind if people do readathons--whatever motivates someone to read is a great thing in my book--but I won't ever participate in them myself because of the pressure. Although...I do participate in the Goodreads yearly reading challenge. I like that I can set my own goal and pace with that.

Kristina's Random Fact: There are 87 different species of Kingfishers in the world.

A turquoise Kingfisher bird with hints of orange standing on a broken tree limb.
Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash


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