I found out through Twitter that they were recruiting writers to talk about manga and anime plus webtoons and Korean and Chinese comics over on the website Comics Beat. Considering I spend a lot of time reviewing animation on this website, I thought I should try to expand my resumé and of course, write about the things I love.
I was so delighted that Deb Aoki reached out to me to give the details on the position and invite me along to write for Comics Beat! It was magical that it all came together so quickly.
My first post for the site is a review of Netflix's anime My Happy Marriage, an absolutely sweet historical romance fantasy that I enjoyed watching (and reading the manga!) very much. Take a look!
It's been a while since I've written regularly for a website (the last was Speculative Chic) and I'm also trying to balance my other writing (like my novel The Name and the Key) so I think it'll be a challenge, but I'm up for it!
I hope you check out my future works on Comics Beat and look forward to seeing more writing from me! Thank you so much for your support!